MULTEXT - Document MSC 1. MtScript/Overview. Appendix 3.

Appendix 3: Example of style file

File Arabic_Transliteration_example@

This file is the style file associated with the Arabic_Transliteration_example file shown as a figure in the ("Using MtScript, Transliteration rules):

xx { -foreground IndianRed3} {}
ar { -font arabic -foreground PaleGreen4 -justify right} {3.8 3.9 4.13 4.14 5.13 5.14 6.11 6.15 7.13 7.14 8.11 8.15 9.12 9.13 10.12 10.13 11.11 11.13 12.9 12.14 13.10 13.14 14.10 14.14 15.10 15.14 16.9 16.13 17.8 17.9 23.0 23.3 24.0 24.3}
bg { -font iso_8859_5 -foreground DeepPink1} {}
zh_CN { -font gb2312_1980 -foreground brown} {}
zh_TW { -font big5_0 -foreground MediumPurple4} {}
cs { -font iso_8859_2 -foreground DarkGoldenrod} {}
nl { -font iso_8859_1 -foreground black} {}
en { -font iso_8859_1 -foreground black} {3.9 4.13 4.14 5.13 5.14 6.11 6.15 7.13 7.14 8.11 8.15 9.12 9.13 10.12 10.13 11.11 11.13 12.9 12.14 13.10 13.14 14.10 14.14 15.10 15.14 16.9 16.13 17.8 17.9 22.0 23.3 24.0}
et { -font iso_8859_4 -foreground SteelBlue} {}
fr { -font iso_8859_1 -foreground black} {}
el { -font iso_8859_7 -foreground DarkOrange2} {}
de { -font iso_8859_1 -foreground black} {}
iw { -font iso_8859_8 -foreground blue -justify right} {}
hu { -font iso_8859_2 -foreground DarkGoldenrod} {}
it { -font iso_8859_1 -foreground black} {}
ja { -font jisx0208_1983_0 -foreground ForestGreen} {}
ko { -font ksc5601_1987_0 -foreground DarkSlateGray} {}
ro { -font iso_8859_2 -foreground DarkGoldenrod} {}
ru { -font iso_8859_5 -foreground DeepPink1} {}
sk { -font iso_8859_2 -foreground DarkGoldenrod} {}
sl { -font iso_8859_2 -foreground DarkGoldenrod} {}
es { -font iso_8859_1 -foreground black} {}
sv { -font iso_8859_1 -foreground black} {}
uk { -font iso_8859_5 -foreground DeepPink1} {}

It is possible to edit this file using any standard text editor and modify the attributes:

In future versions, these functions will be accessible from the MtScript menu bar.

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