MULTEXT - Document MSC 1. MtScript/Overview. Appendix 2.

Appendix 2: Arabic transliteration rules

file ""

/* Arabic 


- KEYS:        decimal codes of the keyboard keys
- CHARACTERS:  codes of the corresponding characters in the ISO set

- The keywords 'TRANSLITERATION', 'KEYS' and 'CHARACTERS' are required
- Some languages do not require transliteration rules. In this case
  the default transliteration is used.

  32   83
A 65   64
F 70   242
G 71   65
H 72   67
I 73   230
J 74   79
K 75   87
L 76   94
M 77   111
N 78   115
O 79   119
P 80   125
Q 81   128
R 82   131
S 83   137
T 84   141
U 85   149
V 86   153
W 87   157
X 88   161
Y 89   165
Z 90   169
` 96   124
a 97   177
b 98   185
c 99   193
d 100   209
e 101   213
f 102   217
g 103   226
h 104   234
i 105   236
j 106   240
q 113   38
r 114   35
~ 126   32

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